Yuri Victor is Making Things.

For hire

Who:The Onion Role: Technology lead

Remaking America’s finest news source

In just over 50 days, I relaunched The Onion’s newspaper and website. Working with MG Strategy and Design, we modernized its digital infrastructure by migrating 30 years of legacy content to WordPress and implemented a more intuitive and engaging user experience. We also developed a new solution to increase reader benefits and set up a successful membership program.

» View the new site live
» Read more in The New York Times

Who: Vox.com Role: Co-founder

Launching a journalism startup with friends

As part of the digital leadership team at The Washington Post, we had an idea for a new platform that leveraged design and technology to prioritize depth and context in storytelling. We left and in nine weeks we launched Vox.com. I helped pioneer now-commonplace visual formats like cards, explainers, and long-form storytelling, contributed to the development of a journalism-led CMS, and helped grow Vox.com from a startup to the largest national politics site in one year.

» Read about our sprint to launch
» Visit the current Vox.com

Who: The New York Times Role: Design engineer

Screenshot of a New York Times page with an AI chatbot

Addressing Covid questions with AI

As the Covid-19 pandemic unfolded, The New York Times faced an influx of reader questions with no way to triage. I worked on a holisitic solution, building an internal AI-powered interface for journalists to cluster inquiries, and a searchable database on The New York Times website, allowing readers to ask questions and find answers. The tool helped millions of readers, and now, dubbed Switchboard, is being used to answer election questions.

» Explore the AI-powered Covid Q&A feature
» Read more about the project

Who: USA Today Network Role: Lead Designer

Unifying local news sites with a flexible design system

As lead designer for USA Today Network, I spearheaded a multi-year initiative to create a cohesive design system for hundreds of broadcast, radio, and newspaper websites. The challenge was to standardize components to improve user experience while preserving the unique identities of the communities they served, balancing brand consistency with local flavor, and optimizing for completely different content types.

Who: The Verge Role: Design engineer

Screenshot of Circuit Breaker bot conversation

Crafting a quirky bot with The Verge for CES

For Circuit Breaker’s debut, I built an AI chatbot that turned the concept of utility on its head. In a landscape saturated with underwhelming chat bots, we embraced the absurd. The result was a bot of marginal utility, packed with easter eggs, and an intentional failure rate. The approach led to unexpected, and hilarious conversations that went viral across the internet.

» Read about the unconventional bot in The Verge

Who: New York Times Magazine Role: Design engineer

Bringing print to life with image recognition

Working with The New York Times Magazine, I developed a content management system that streamlined production of Google Lens experiences. The project allowed readers to interact with the magazine using their phones, share an article, access aditional content, or see a subject jump off the page through additional multimedia.

» Read about the experience

“It’s a joke at Vox that Yuri can make you anything in 10 min. Today he made me a new tool in 7 min & I hadn’t even asked yet.” — Allison Rockey

About me

Over the past 20 years as a designer, engineer, and journalist, I’ve created dozens of ground-breaking products including a top CMS in media, AI tools called “the future of news,” and Vox.com. Recently, I relaunched The Onion, built tools to assist readers and journalists at The New York Times, and led a cross-functional team at The Atlantic. I also serve on the board for SND Foundation, teaching the next generation of designers.


Experimenting with universities in AR

Ezra Klein and I discuss Vox.com one year later

Focus on communication, collaboration, and caring

Why The Washington Post uses WordPress

Open sourcing social sharing tools for everyone




